New Teaching Learning Activities for Classes II and III English (Infused EVS)

This is to notify all the schools having Primary classes that as per the 18th National Education Conference, 2017, to strengthen literacy and numeracy at the lower primary levels, some topics and concepts from Environmental Studies (EVS) have been infused into English curricula for classes PP to III. Accordingly, the English Section of REC has…

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Re-announcement of Selection Result for ECCD & SEN Curriculum Developer

With reference to the selection for ECCD & SEN Curriculum Developer, the REC would like to re-announce the revised selection result in view of the RCSC’s notification (dated 18 July 2018) on PE rating. Notification Notification TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload notification784.06 KB86026-12-2018 DownloadPreview Sample Question Paper356.47 KB253415-05-2019 DownloadPreview

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National Day 2018

Royal Education Council joins the people of Bhutan in celebrating the 111th National Day.  On this joyous occasion, we offer our deepest gratitude and sincere appreciation to our benevolent kings for the peace, prosperity and harmony in the country. May peace prevail in Bhutan for all the times to come. HAPPY NATIONAL DAY 2018

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