Letter of Intent
The REC would like to notify the following: Evaluation of Dzongkha PP-XII pdfLetter of Intent Size: 1.54 MB DownloadPreview
Read MoreLetter of Award
The Royal Education Council (REC) is pleased to award the work for the supply of Office stationary, Electrical and ICT items and maintenance for the fiscal year 2019-2020 to the respective firms. Kindly download the Award letter and the Comparative statement of the annual quotation. Annual Quotation TitleSizeHitsDate addedDownload Award Letter41.29 KB38725-09-2019 DownloadPreview Annual Quotation10.87…
Royal Education Council, Paro invites capable and interested national consultancy firms to submit the expression of interest (EoI) to carry out “Evaluation of the Dzongkha School curriculum PP-XII”. The EoI should be submitted to the procurement section on or before September 13, 2019 at 10AM and will be opened on the same day at 10:30AM.…
Read MoreInviting Quotation for Renewal of Antivirus and Messenger License
Sealed quotations are invited from eligible bidders for supply of the following items to the Royal Education Council, Paro. The bidding document can be downloaded from the link below. The last date of submission of tender document is August 13, 2019 at 9:30 AM, and it will be opened and awarded on the same…
Read MoreDigital Artifact Competition for Classes VII, VIII & IX Students
Royal Education Council invites all the schools with classes VII, VIII and IX to participate in the digital artifact competition by submitting digital works created by students under three categories. Category I – Class VII : Create a Digital Poster using Paint.Net on the theme “ICT for Bhutanese students in the 21st century” Category II…
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